Mods like Wasteland Balistics, Be exceptional, Feral Ghouls expansion, should be okay, as they’re gameplay mods or just add a chunk of enemies to the game. For mods like Sim Settlements 2 which has alot of scripts and complex features in it, you will notice a hit in FPS due to the load of scripts and items being generated in your map. For you folks with low end gaming machines, you know like an i3 or i5 optiplex and a desktop GPU like a GT 1030 or similar, you can download mods like gun mods alright, just stick to 2K or Below textures for gun mods.

Free FOV - Skeleton Edit [Title of this mod is misleading but FOV higher than 80 sadly ruins your FPS more than it should.I say it’s optional because some people say it makes them stutter more, some people said it worked. FAR [Improves Lods and makes them more optimized.(Optional): FPSL - FX-DIMS: This Addon disables world effects such as Glows and some Smoke and Fog Interior effects. Personally I would recommend the Shadowless Lights version. Has a version with and without (most) shadows. Makes you go from Hostile to Passive mode in 3 seconds It cleans up courses after 1 in game hour Read the description for all the changes, it also has modules you may like. FPSL - Lighting and Tweaks Performance: [This Mod does ALOT of things.INSTALL THIS IN YOUR DATA FOLDER I MEAN IT. (Optional) SKK FastStart [A quick start mod to get you back into the game.PreVis RepairPack [Rebuilds a Ton of Cells broken over updates. Set DisableAnimationOnLoadingScreens= to true (line 44)īelieve it or not, this engine so stupidly made that disabling the animated loading screens and even the animating logo actually help loading times. Set DisableBlackLoadingScreens= to true (line 37) To help this even further change these lines in the INI that’s in the mod. High FPS Physics Fix [Now we’re gunna be using this for the accelerated loading times.Plugin Preloader (READ DESCRIPTION IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE) [.