Cedric's death and Voldemort's return was very powerful.

Neville getting more screen time was good as well. It was also great to see Professor McGonagall as a more fully developed character. Alan Rickman, as always was Brilliant as Snape. Cedric, Cho, Fleur, and Viktor were all perfectly cast, but had too few lines. They had great comedic timing in delivering lines and tripping over themselves around girls. Daniel Radcliff and Rupert Grint (Ron saying "Bloody Hell" when Hermione woke him up at the beginning was hysterical) play the perfect awkward teenage boys as well. I'm glad the movie audience finally got to see what truly great characters those two are. First things first, I give Mike Newell and Steve Kloves credit for finally giving Fred and George the screen time they deserve. I did enjoy this movie, but being a huge fan of the books, I was frustrated with a lot of the things that were touched upon, but not really followed though with. Hermione asks Harry which potion ingredients Snape accused him of stealing and realizes they are the ingredients needed for the Polyjuice Potion.

Karkaroff tells Snape about the mark of his arm.The lead singer speaks with the audience and then starts the first song. Flitwick introduces the Weird Sisters at the Yule Ball.Harry tries to speak with Cho Chang, but as she is constantly surrounded by friends, he doesn't get the opportunity.She says yes, and two of their friends make gestures in the background. A Durmstrang student asks a girl to go with him to the Yule Ball.All the Hogwarts students then start to sing the school song. Dumbledore asks his pupils to welcome Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students.