He is not only one of the few people ever to beat the beep test at all, but possibly even the only footballer ever to beat the test more than once.Have you got a source for those figures? Any idea of the distance they run it over. Wes Hoolahan, according to the Irish Independent, beat the beep test not once but TWICE.

The world standard for professional footballers is a score of 13.09. To put this into perspective, the minimum requirement for the Royal Marines is a score of 11, and David Beckham''s best every beep test score is said to be 16, which most professional footballers would be proud of. very very few professional athletes in any sport will achieve a level 16 or 17 out of 23. It is extremely tough, to put this into perspective. I assume that most of you will know what a beep test is, it is when you run and have to beat the beep, the beep gets quicker and quicker, and the maximum score that can be achieved is 23.